Claudia Goetzelmann – Photographer Capturing Connections and More

Claudia is a fashion, advertising and beauty photographer & art director and more!  She also is trained as an end of life doula, and has a spiritual coaching business called Permission to Bloom, where she aims to “help women step into their full potential to live a purposeful life in the Here and Now.”

Claudia speaks about being a woman in a male dominated photography business, how she has integrated her skills as a photographer into helping women AND shares what her skills are as an end of life doula. She is a power house and full of compassion for humanity. You can tell she lives life to the fullest and has learned a lot of deep lessons from life, and she is ready to spread her wisdom which she does in this episode.

You can find Claudia Goetzelmann’s photography here:

Her Spiritual Coaching Services at Permission To Bloom here:

And all of her links here:

Joshua Marquez: Feeling The Wound As A Filipino-American Composer

Joshua Marquez is a talented Filipino-American composer, sound artist and guitarist who has received death threats.

Why has he received death threats? The answer is something I’m still processing, although Mr. Marquez explains it thoroughly and transparently in this episode.

Unfortunately this is not the first guest who has spoken about their experience with racism. 

The amazing thing is, like previous guests, Joshua uses his art to bring awareness to this issue, and for cathartic purposes.  He uses creativity,  in one of it’s most powerful and highest forms – as medicine for himself and as a sword of truth for the rest of us who may still be ignorant of the sheer depth of hatred there is in this world. And, almost miraculously, the way he expresses the complex emotions he has, is pure beauty.  That in itself is a major feat to accomplish.  The strength it takes to channel all of those powerful feelings and then translate it into a piece of music that adds to the world – I just can’t say enough about.

In addition to diving into the depths of the underworld of composing, Joshua also explains his creative process, shares bits of wisdom his mentors gave to him and breaks down composing in a way that makes people feel like they too can start composing at any age.

His album, Violent Yellow can be found here:

You can find all of Joshua Marquez’s links here:

Performing live:

And if you want to get involved in helping Asian Americans fight racism:

Nina Meehan: Helping Parents Be Creative With Their Kids

1) What is creativity?

Creativity is the magical combination of a spark of an idea and the discipline to go on the journey, including the struggles to allow that spark to become a beautiful flame.

2) What do you love about creativity?

I love that creativity allows for discovery and failure simultaneously.  I love that creativity has no limits or bounds.  I love that creativity can make an entire world appear and disappear in the length of a breath.  But mostly, I love that creativity can be the ultimate conduit to connection.

3) What do you hate about creativity?

It’s hard.  There’s no way that a creative process can ever happen without at least a few hours, a few days or a few months of staring at a wall, completely convinced that everything you are doing is terrible and that it will never work out.

4) Where is your creativity?

My creativity lives in the sine of my daughter’s eyes when she laughs at a story we are creating together.  It’s in nature.  It’s on the pages where I write.  It’s on the stages where I direct.  It’s everywhere I look, as long as I remember to open my eyes.

Her passion is creativity, stories and story-telling for children and adults alike and that definitely is apparent throughout this episode. She talks about the power of dyslexia, and how it shaped her mind and also gives 5 excellent tips on how to bring creativity into parenting, so keep an ear out for them.  

You can find Nina Meehan at:



For her blog:

A page with all of her links:

Also, here is a link to the amazing book she mentioned, Beautiful Oops:

Ava – Competitive Pole Dancer Who Delivers a Strong Message

Welcome to Season 2!

Ava speaks about how she was introduced to competitive pole dancing and dispels any myths people may have about who it is for and what type of people can do it.  Ava also uses the artform in a powerful manner as shown by her video.

Please look at this link before listening to the episode, we discuss the video and it is gorgeous: 

Danielle Hurst: Painting and Sculpting Words While Raising a 7 Year Old And Living At Work

S1 Episode 10

This is the 10th and final episode of Season 1. The guest is my lovely sister, Danielle Hurst.  

During our conversation, Danielle shares her unique experience of teaching herself how to write in addition to how she found writing again after a decade of being closed off from her creative self.

Other topics are also discussed such as raising a child and helping him develop a healthy creative self and what it looks like to actually have your creative expression supported.


Fen Alankus – Dancing With Fear and Honoring the “O.G.” by Connecting to Her Creative Self

S1 Episode 9

Fen Alankus opens up about how it was and is to live life as a sensitive, queer and empathic person who believes in magic.  She shares how her creative voice was always there trying to help out but how it’s not always so simple to just listen and follow it.

This episode also includes viewpoints on how different types of schooling can make a creative person hide or thrive. 

Oh, and last but not least.  Fen has a podcast called, Follow The Woo.  She interviews people about their experiences with the unseen side of life.  

Check out Follow The Woo:



Ori Cruz – How Art Therapy Can Be The Game Changer People Need

S1 Episode 8

For our 8th episode, we welcome Ori Cruz.  He has been an Art Therapist for over 25 years and currently works with male sex offenders.  Ori describes how he became an Art Therapist and how he has seen the healing art therapy provides for all types of people, including himself.

Ori Cruz is currently on the Board of Directors for the American Art Therapy Association, and was featured as member of the month in June.

Find Ori on LinkedIn:

Want To Know More About Art Therapy?

Matthew Temple – A Journey of Only Creative Jobs and the Debut of The Lover’s Journal

S1 Episode 7

Matthew Temple is a writer, director, film maker, podcaster, has been in a band…he knows how to knit!  

You name a creative activity he most likely has some experience with it.  In this episode, he tells us about the creative process involved in these jobs and he shares a wonderful new project he and his life partner have produced called: The Lovers Journal – a great workbook for couples.


Please find the Lovers Journal Information along with Matthew’s contact information and his movie (Hardball: The Girls of Summer) links below: 

Dr. Krishna Bhatta: Using Imagination in a Meditative Space and The Step by Step Process in the Relaxx App

S1 Episode 6

Dr. Krishna Bhatta shares how he grew up meditating and why, as a doctor, he sees how the meditative space can help reduce anxiety and burnout in addition to helping people connect to their inner flame.  He also explains how when you are in a meditative trance you can use imagination to help you be successful in your future.

To experience the app for yourself go here:

Please check out his facebook page:

Brenden Kumarasamy – the Creator of Master Talk – Eradicating The Fear Of Public Speaking

S1 Episode 5

Brenden is a wealth of information and speaks about his journey from being born into an environment that was focused on being productive and getting a good job to creating his own company that teaches public speaking to all ages.  Brenden dreams of the day where nobody is scared of public speaking, and he eloquently speaks about how the creative process is involved with following your dreams.

To find Brenden, visit:

Find him on YouTube (Excellent Videos)

This is a video on daily exercises you can do to improve your speaking skills:

and find a plethora of information on how to speak publicly: