Joshua Marquez: Feeling The Wound As A Filipino-American Composer

Joshua Marquez is a talented Filipino-American composer, sound artist and guitarist who has received death threats.

Why has he received death threats? The answer is something I’m still processing, although Mr. Marquez explains it thoroughly and transparently in this episode.

Unfortunately this is not the first guest who has spoken about their experience with racism. 

The amazing thing is, like previous guests, Joshua uses his art to bring awareness to this issue, and for cathartic purposes.  He uses creativity,  in one of it’s most powerful and highest forms – as medicine for himself and as a sword of truth for the rest of us who may still be ignorant of the sheer depth of hatred there is in this world. And, almost miraculously, the way he expresses the complex emotions he has, is pure beauty.  That in itself is a major feat to accomplish.  The strength it takes to channel all of those powerful feelings and then translate it into a piece of music that adds to the world – I just can’t say enough about.

In addition to diving into the depths of the underworld of composing, Joshua also explains his creative process, shares bits of wisdom his mentors gave to him and breaks down composing in a way that makes people feel like they too can start composing at any age.

His album, Violent Yellow can be found here:

You can find all of Joshua Marquez’s links here:

Performing live:

And if you want to get involved in helping Asian Americans fight racism:

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